Meaning of Ayesha:

ayesha name meaning in urdu
ayesha name meaning in urdu

Ayesha is a common Persian name and is popular with western parents, but is not necessarily a common Iranian surname. Thus, what is the real meaning of this name?

Like many other popular name across the world, Ayesha, as this name is commonly known, is derived from the name Akbar. The name originates from the Persian word "ah" meaning "man"sah" meaning "city". Thus, Ayesha, if it is a Persian name, also means "man of the city".

A very popular and famous Pakistani name, is still not a common surname. Thus, Ayesha name meaning in urdu is not known to many of the people. However, the name comes from an aspect that reflects the importance of a certain Pakistani individual, in the family.

Pakistanis are both foreigners and natives. The famous Mehrabi of Makran is a very famous Pakistani lady. She was originally a Scottish missionary who stayed in Pakistan and in addition, she was given the name due to her important role in the development of Pakistan. Therefore, when Pakistani children have this name, it means the importance to be given due to the social development of a certain person.

However, there is no single line for the interpretation of an individual's name. Thus, it depends on the parents of the family whether or not they will be able to comprehend the meaning of the name.

An interesting thing about the meaning of Ayesha is that it can actually mean "the man of three treasures". This could be the inheritance of the Lady of the lakes. Her wedding dress was made from three pearls and was considered to be a rare and unique treasure of the City of Umar.

It is said that "mehr" means the "human blood" of the waters and "awr" mean "gold". In fact, it is even believed that the Golden Fleece was mentioned in "mehr"awr" due to its appearance in a mosque. The style of her wedding dress had 3 braids which show that "mehr"awr" were referred to.

This is only one of the meanings of Ayesha. There are many others. However, it is an interesting fact that this name is popular among the western parents and given to their children.

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